Monday, 18 February 2008

Rule 26: Rebelling against the read has predictable, bad consequences

As we staled above, the problem is not that players' instincts aren't good but
that we often don't listen to them (or even rebel against them). Thus, we
are not going by what our В«readВ» is telling us.
There are a number of reasons for not listening to this inner voice:

1. «The read is unfairВ».
2. «The same read seems to be going on forever and never changes».
3. «I get tired of hearing В«NoВ» from my read».
4. «I get tired of continually folding based on my read, even if it is
accurate and the correct thing to do».
5. «I he read always seems to favor the other guy never me. It always
seems to be them, them, them».
6. «Every time I make a read, it seems to come up with this: Other-
Guy-Strong, Mc-Weak, and I have to fold».

The thing is, you are beating the game (in the long run) if you go by
your read and your read is accurate – even if it involves a lot of folding.
One of the secrets of poker is this ability to hear the word over
and over“ without it bothering you. You'll hear В«YesВ» only infrequently, but
it will be enough to win.